Full Moon = Endings and Beginnings...

Happy Full Moon! Today's full moon is brought to you by Aquarius, the sign of innovation and humanitarianism. Full Moons are a culmination of events already set into motion. Ideas and actions that have worked to benefit society at large will be the theme of the day. How have you made your corner of the world brighter for yourself and others? Was it a cooked meal? Advice given? A show of support or act of charity? Celebrate that today. (And please feel free to share your good deeds with me so I can share your amazing-ness with my followers on Facebook and Twitter! Let's give people good news for a change.)

On August 16th, Venus, the planet of relationship and wealth moved in to her airy home of Libra. The power of  partnership takes the forefront in the areas love and money. Often a partner (whether romantic or business) will bring to the table the things that we lack and vice versa, helping us to thrive as part of a super union, taking on the world with superhuman strength and witnessing its fullness through the eyes of another (I'm channeling Deepak Chopra out here, and yes he is a Libra. Lol!). Keep in mind that 'reciprocation' will be the key word during this phase.

Around August 25th, Venus gets some friction from Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. The age old battle of What We Want vs. What We Need may come up for another round at this time. The question will be whether we can find a happy medium between desire and necessity in a way that is mutually supportive as Libra is all about harmony and balance. We may need to re-evaluate our  personal value system to get the answer.

On August 23rd the Sun and Mercury move to earthy Virgo, followed by a New Moon on September 5th. As the sign of health, service, and routine, planets in Virgo will be helping us to get out of vacation/party mode and back into the groove of handling business. The Sun and Mercury will be in perfect angle to begin laying the groundwork for big money moves, presentations, and launches. Just remember to craft your message/plans with an editor's eye. Virgo is a stickler for detail and budgets! To push things along, Mars moves out of watery Cancer into fiery Leo; a much better fit for the action-oriented planet. We'll have Mars in Leo until mid-October.

However, don't forget to schedule in some time to nourish and care for your body. Many of us don't allow room for self-care in our daily routines because we feel we either lack the motivation or time to do so, but in the end we pay greatly for it. Virgo says to make the time for self-care as a healthy body will be what saves you from that burned out, stressed out feeling (as well as illness) when the everyday hustle and bustle hits fever pitch.

If you need help getting organized, staying fit or on schedule use the New Moon in Virgo to help you set and meet these goals. Also, check out tips from professional organizer Amy Neiman of A Simplified Life (amyneiman.com) and certified fitness coach Suraiyah Ortiz (suraiyahfitness.blogspot.com) for help with staying on track. The Sun and Mercury will be traveling together until September 9th when Mercury moves into Libra, followed by the Sun on September 22nd.

Oh and last but not least: I have re-branded! Breadth and Sol Astrology is now My Life Created! All posts, updates, and emails going forward will be via mylifecreated.com. The website revamp was long overdue and I feel my new name speaks more toward the kind of work that I am doing, which is essentially to help beautiful people like you create the life they want. I'm so excited about my new baby and I hope you will be too! Of course, to celebrate my launch, I'm offering my full length readings on discount. Email me for info!

A Twelfth House Kind of Summer

It's been a little while (nearly two months, actually) since I've updated breadthandsol.com with my usual posts on upcoming astrological trends. Thanks to a bevy of planets in Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) as well as the flurry of planetary activity in my 12th House (Pisces' house) of spirituality, endings, retreat, dreams, and sleep....I have been allowing myself some much needed time for self-care (borrowing from the 6th House of health and routine--opposite the 12th), reflection, and dreaming. Carving out such time has actually enabled me to engage in some pretty cool stuff behind the scenes--one of which I will be unveiling towards the end of the summer (Yay!). The rest of the stuff, I'm keeping to myself. Ha ha! The 12th House is a private one after all. 

Anyway, if you've been looking for my posts, I've been making use of my Facebook and Twitter feeds with updates and commentary of the short and sweet variety--still useful, so login and let's converse. You can find the links to both by clicking on the icons on the top left of this page (make sure to follow me on Instagram too!).

In the meantime, I am still providing one-on-one consultations. Email me at mecca@breadthandsol.com for the scoop on rates and services. And on September 6th, I'll be in Washington, DC at the famed Secret Pleasures (www.secretpleasuresboutique.com) talking love, sex, and astrology. Visit their website for more info...or click here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/420461 I just want to say how excited I am to have been presented with the opportunity to take my show on the road. I'm really looking forward to my DC debut. Spread the word if you or anyone you know lives in the DMV area. Then remember to buy your ticket. C'mon, we'll have a blast! 

(For my NYC people, I'll be doing another workshop soon. More on that later though.)

Ok. So that's it (for now). Remember to check my social media pages for for quick updates and insight; then stay tuned for my unveiling--done for you all in the name of love and prosperity (6th House of service).

Until then, take a cue from the 12th and take care to give your body/soul what it needs, when it needs it. We've still got so much life to live and we can't do it running on a tank half empty. 

Mercury in Gemini: Two Sides of the Same Story

When I think about Gemini in the context of the human collective, I see Gemini as a representative of all of of our human contradiction; those parts of us that show up saying one thing yet doing something totally different simply because we can. To Gemini, the world is just too big. There are too many options; too many interests and tastes to tie itself to only one.  As a matter of fact, Gemini asks why should we have only one? Forty is just as good, if not better. In fact, in the area of my chart where Gemini sits, I am reminded of how this energy shows up in my daily life through the diversity of the people I attract and find myself attracted to, people who in their own right are diversified, multifaceted beings coming from various walks of life, cultures, and schools of thought. Also, it's no surprise, given Gemini's rulership by Mercury (the communication planet) that many of these people are writers, journalists, filmmakers, radio and television personalities, public relations specialists, event planners, etc. These are the people who make a living on connecting us to the many different pieces of our world.

Photo courtesy of New Image Art. "Twin" by HUSH

As an air sign, its Gemini's job to serve as a conduit, a connector of people and information. Gemini grabs what's out there and then brings it home to share. However, the caveat for Gem is when it becomes too scattered or superficial to commit to something that lasts--after all this isn't Taurus we're discussing. Mercury's pass through its home sign of Gemini is going to work to bring this message of curiosity and contradiction home to us. Where Gemini sits in your own chart is the place to look for cues and clues. Mercury is going to present you with fresh options and opportunities to grow beyond what you know, but with tension coming from Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn (and perhaps configurations in your own chart) we'll be asked to base our choices on depth of perception for a shot at something with real long term reward. This time, who AND what you know will matter.


Venus In Taurus: Let Love Linger

Planet Venus moved into her earthy home sign of Taurus where she will stay until May 9th. Since Venus is responsible for attracting and keeping sacred all that we love and hold dear, we may find that the key to happiness for the moment lies in our ability to slow down, spend time in our bodies (as opposed to solely in our heads), and be present to our senses—present to the here and now. If the spark and hustle of Aries kept us up and at 'em; jumping at every new opportunity that presented itself then the energy of Taurus calls us to chill and get focused. Venus in Taurus wants us to be fine and secure.

In addition to physical well-being, financial health also factors into Taurus' predilection for material security and at this time we may also find that activities or initiatives begun under this transit carry an energy of self-preservation. We aim to maintain and increase what we have (here on my end, I've made a date to see an insurance agent.) Financial and relationship issues highlighted now can be remedied by getting clear about what we truly want and putting a plan in place to get it. After all, Taurus is an earth sign and earth reaches its goals by way of a methodical approach--unlike the shoot first, ask later approach of fire sign Aries.

As Venus is also connected to self-esteem, we are asked to let go of the self-worth saboteurs that have kept us from fulfilling our hearts' desires. For some of us, love (as well as money) seems fleeting; like we never have enough of it—in quantity or quality. Venus in Taurus asks: what is true security? How do we get what we want and make it last? For starters, we may have to change—a concept that Taurus, being a Fixed sign, isn’t so willing to do. However, what Taurus WILL DO is work--and many of us know that if we want something badly enough that we must put in the effort it takes to obtain it. Are we willing to shift our perspective, change our habits, and incorporate a few new tools to get that something we’ve been thirsting for? Let the thought linger for a sec.

This song "Luxurious" by Gwen Stefani totally speaks to me (and this transit):


To celebrate Venus’ transit through Taurus, I am offering a new mini-reading: Hello, Venus readings—how can you attract and keep more of what you want? The answer is in your birth chart and I’ll point you to it. Venus readings are perfect if you’re interested in bringing in new love; maintaining the love you already have or improving your sense of fulfillment. Email me at mecca@breadthandsol.com to schedule a reading or for more info. Readings are $35 for 30 minutes.

Also, I'm still offering my Eclipse Special--we just had an April 25th eclipse in Scorpio, on May 9th there's another eclipse in Taurus and there's another in Sagittarius on May 25th. Eclipses are important because they often come with a high octane kick to get us further toward where we need to go in life. Eclipses affect us all differently depending on the time we were born and our current circumstances, if you’d like to know exactly how this eclipse will affect you and how to best handle this energy, I’m providing eclipse specials--$40 for 30 minutes—available from now until 6/1. 

Careful planning + intention = Success.

Email me to also inquire about my full length astro-coaching sessions.

Aries Season: Ball So Hard

Lots happening in the Cosmos this week. On March 20th the Sun moves into Aries (joining Mars) to officially kick off Aries season (March 20-April 19) Over here in the Northern Hemisphere, Aries season coincides with the vernal equinox and who better to usher in the fresh, excitable energy of spring than this fiery sign? Many of us will likely be looking forward to this bubble-pop-electric kind of time after being submerged in the hazy and emotional energy of Pisces over the last month.

With the Sun, Mars, and Uranus (joined eventually by Venus and Mercury) all synching up in the sign represented by The Warrior (i.e. Mars), spring fever will hit fast and fierce. The best way to channel this power will be to begin new projects or activities that may have been put on the back burner over the winter.  If a lack of confidence has been getting in your way, this Martian energy could help you adopt a take no prisoners attitude. Just make sure to watch out for flaring tempers. Aries energy tends to get us all a little keyed up (Hulk Smash Mode, actually). Take any pent up energy to a high impact fitness class. Your body and soul will thank you for it.

Adding to the cray cray will be the full moon in Libra on March 27th. Full Moons tend to represent endings and with this moon making tense aspects to Mars, Pluto and Uranus (this would be akin to the OPPOSITE of a peace talk...like if planets talked...but you get the idea) many of us can expect abrupt shifts in finances or partnerships (the areas ruled by Libra/Venus) that can send us into a tailspin. The key to keeping our wits and our cool will be to remember that whatever the Universe takes away, it returns to us twofold ( in a bigger and better model). Don't be afraid to embrace change, babies. Aries energy is all about embodying courage. So just get out and do it (responsibly, of course).

New Moon in Pisces: Feeding Spirit

Happy New Moon in Pisces!

As it goes in astrology, New Moons are an auspicious occasion for setting intentions to manifest something wonderful. With today's New Moon occurring in the dreamy, watery energy of Pisces,  we can produce the best results by focusing our desires on creating a space for more creativity and spiritual centeredness in our everyday lives. As many of us have witnessed or experienced firsthand, there is much pain and suffering in the world. However, the truth of Pisces is that while things sometimes fall apart around us, many times beyond our control, we preserve and buoy ourselves through a trust and embodiment of all that is still good (faith + intuition +compassion+ unabashed creativity). In Pisces, we go with the flow instead of resisting or control freaking. Here, we take simplicity as our mantra and indulge in anything that nourishes the soul.

While we still have so many planets in water signs (plus Mercury Retrograde) many of us may be feeling sluggish or overwhelmed. Much of this may be a side effect of trying to do too much during a time (Pisces Season) when we should be unplugging, resting, and replenishing. This is a perfect time to seek out the healers, those gifted with the powers to calm and strengthen the mind, body, and spirit. Aries season will be upon us soon and with the fiery energy that the time of The Warrior will bring, we will need all the strength we have to keep up with our daily demands. Consider this New Moon a special gift from the Universe to (finally) take care of the tender parts of you and act on inspiration. Then watch what magic unfolds for you over the next six months.

If you would like a custom tailored and detailed report on what will be developing for you over the coming months, contact me to set up a reading. No reason to guess or (obsess) about what's happening when you can know right now (and be prepared!)

Saturn Retrograde In Scorpio: Clean House or Die

Saturn begins its five month retrograde in Scorpio today and finishes up on July 8th. Retrograde periods always signify a time to review what we've done so far. With Saturn it's a period of checks and balances. What have we accomplished? What remains on the to-do list? Since we're talking Scorpio, Saturn wants us to get to those items on our list that we've  been putting off forever because we've been too busy bullshitting. Is it fear that holds us back? Complacency? The negative people that we just can't seem to let go?

Now is the time to take stock of whatever or whomever it is that may be keeping us from claiming our empires, our glory. It's time for spring cleaning. Saturn asks us to get those dust bunnies from under the bed and the cobwebs in the corner...those places where we don't always like to look (emotional baggage, anyone?). To make things interesting, the Universe has five heavenly bodies in Pisces over the next month which includes Mercury's retrograde  that will make it seem like we're literally trying to run track through a swimming pool.

However, the key to taking our next big step forward lies in our ability to tend to those unseen parts of ourselves (another watery reference!); those tender parts of us, those SOULFUL parts In There. In There is where intuition, creativity, and security abide. Getting comfortable In There is how we learn to make the most of what's Out Here. Saturn knows that building an empire, a fortress (read: material security), requires a strong foundation--built from the inside out. 

How will we fortify ourselves so that we can carry on to the level ? What part of us can use a little restructuring? 

Clean house and keep only what you need.

Aquarius Season: Get Free Already!

Being an Aquarius Moon, I love Aquarius season (Jan. 20-Feb.18). It’s a time that reminds us of who we are sans borders; of the person we were before we became bound to the status and responsibility of relationships, parenthood, school, career, economic class, etc.

If Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) is all about rules, regulations, tedium, and work; Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) is all about freedom, liberty, and the way of doing what we damn well please, how we please.

During Capricorn season we became hyper aware of our obligations and our ambitions. We busied ourselves with budgets and to-do lists; with school books and vision boards, all in the name of productivity. Through all of this planning and labor we found that we summoned the self-discipline needed to buckle-in and get things accomplished. However, we may have also found that while we were overly concerned with accomplishment we became overwhelmed and anxious as the deadlines loomed. Much to our chagrin, we discovered that there are only but so many hours in a day. As a result, maybe we find that we secretly (or not so secretly) resent our loved ones or our present circumstances because they seem to weigh us down with a heavy sense of duty.

Aquarius comes along to provide us with a space for something different; to pull us up out of any ruts that we may find ourselves in. This rebel child shows us that it’s okay to carve out a place in our lives that’s all our own and no one else’s. Aquarius shows us that we need not feel guilty or wrong about having a little personal freedom. Without confusing freedom for recklessness or the inability to compromise (downfalls for Uranus-influenced folks), Aquarius season is about letting go—whether it be on a Yoga mat, on a dance floor, in an art studio, at Karaoke night…the point is to give yourself a break and be wild for a minute. 

Where in your life can you shake it up and live it up? Can you allow yourself to color outside the lines for a little bit? Now is not the time for routine. We can always get back to that later.

Venus In Capricorn: Getting Your Due

For those of us whom consistently find ourselves in the "everything is perfect save for one or two fatal flaws" type of relationship with a partner, career, or financial issue--Venus in Capricorn asks us to get real. Associated with the very tangible element of earth and the very practical, no-nonsense energy of planet Saturn, Capricorn is all about the realistic approach towards getting what we want. Capricorn asks "Is it realistic? Is it valuable?" Since Venus is the planet associated with money, values, and love; in Capricorn she asks from us an honest appraisal--am I getting my due?

Maybe we find ourselves in a job where we are being underpaid and undervalued; maybe in our effort to keep up with appearances we are living well outside of our means; or maybe, like so many, we find ourselves in a relationship where our most basic needs (trust, respect, reciprocation) are not being met. What do we do? Again, Venus in Capricorn asks us to get real. How? Perhaps we finally learn how to ask for what we deserve; perhaps we learn the necessity of moderation; or better yet, perhaps we learn not to settle for less. This earthy lady knows how to hold out for what she’s worth.

What is our vision for our romantic and financial life? Maybe we have become really good at knowing what it is we don't want out of life, but what is it that we do want? To what are we giving our attention? Venus will be in Capricorn from now until February 2, 2013. Getting clear about what we wish to accomplish over the next 11 months takes special precedence now while we are still riding the high that comes when starting fresh. How will we attract the love and abundance that we not only need but also deserve? The answer is right in front of us, babies. So let’s get to work.

Mars In Aquarius: A Jolt of Fresh Air

There’s a momentum building. Do you feel it? We’re at the cusp of a new year and the Universe is rallying the troops of change. After spending nearly six months in retrograde, Neptune, Pluto and Uranus, the patron saints of transformation all went direct by mid-Autumn. We’ve seen the seasons of Scorpio and Sagittarius come and go; each period furthering the wave of progress by asking us to drop the dead weight we had accumulated so that we could venture out—unfettered—into a fuller, diversified  life. We’ve had new moons and full moons.  We’ve had eclipses. Now, we find ourselves at the start of Capricorn season and as with The Goat, we’re using this time to survey how much ground we’ve covered and how much more there is left to go. Through each cycle and season, we learn that the Universe does indeed have a plan: to get the stuck places unstuck. 

Enter Mars in Aquarius.

Ruled by Uranus and in charge of the zodiac’s 11th House of Groups, Organizations, and Hopes—Aquarius works to upset the status quo; to bring power to the people on a socially conscious level (this is an AIR sign) by way of experimentation, intellectual stimulation, and outright rebellious behavior. Wherever Aquarius resides in our chart is where we are most apt to stick it to the man (activism in any form is tied to hopes and wishes is it not?) and unabashedly flaunt our uniqueness (let’s all be different together!).
Aquarius has little patience for old, stodgy behavior. She will get bored. Mars will get bored (and a little testy) if he does not get what he wants. Coupled together, they help to fuel our collective desire for something new. As a matter of fact, we're hungering for it. If there was ever a time for out of the box thinking and actions, this is it. Mars will be in Aquarius from now until February 1, 2013 bringing fresh perspective to the forefront. The only caveat is refraining from going all left field for the sake of going left. We need to make sure there’s an actual method to our madness. Mars in Aquarius is not just for shock and awe purposes. What are we fighting for? Is it worth it? Will the world be a better place as a result of our pushing for our new-fangled ideas? As an example, I am reminded of the tragic shootings that have taken place in 2012 and the heightened push for gun law reform in the United States. With Mars in Aquarius, the biggest question of the moment may be: can we create a place for freedom and structure to peacefully coexist? The future is coming. We need an answer.

Healing What Hurts: The Birth Chart As A Guide

As an astrologer it's a no-brainer that I am a strong believer that our birth charts offer us clues about those worn and torn parts of us that are in need of healing; the parts of us that have accrued damage over the course of our lifetime due to resentments and hurts. When I look at a tough aspect in the natal chart, like a square, opposition, and sometimes the conjunction I don't see the bearer as a hopeless victim or as someone doomed to a life of failure and unhappiness. What I see is an opportunity for change. I see the chance for a person to manifest the relationships and situations that he or she truly wants in life.

I'll further explain what I mean:

I know a man who for the purposes of anonymity, we'll call George. George was born with his Moon in Libra square his Venus in Capricorn. This means that when it comes to relationships (namely with women as represented by the feminine energy of the Moon and Venus), his Moon’s needs (emotional) conflict with what he loves or deems desirable (Venus). In this case, when it comes to relationship--the area of life where we most use our Moon and Venusian energy, George is comforted by a woman who reminds him of his mother (Moon). However, he attracts and is attracted to women (Venus) who are nothing like mom (Moon). George is totally conflicted by what he needs vs. what he wants. As many of us know, this is a common issue in love. 

Since the Moon in our charts can represent our mother or the kind of nurturing energy we received as children, George probably experienced a mom that was clingy, overly self-sacrificing, and possibly manipulative; as such is Libran energy expressed in a disempowered way. Somewhere in his emotional makeup, George must have deemed or learned to deem his mother's energy as unacceptable and therefore with his Capricorn Venus, he disassociates himself from mom loving women that are detached and self-preserving (the double edged swords of Cap!).   

Unfortunately as a result of this push-pull dynamic, George is encumbered with tumultuous, short-lived relationships because his couple-oriented Moon (Libra) is put off by the Capricorn-like coldness of his lovers. A part of him is afraid of losing his independence but can’t stand being alone. Out of fear and discomfort, George then finds himself taking on his “moonish” qualities in the unhealed dynamic--he becomes clingy and manipulative thereby turning his lovers off. What George doesn't realize is that this tough aspect between his Moon and Venus is an opportunity for him to heal his hang-ups about relationships. This aspect along with the rest of his chart shows his evolutionary mission is to heal and be healed by deep lasting bonds. George is here to learn that there is strength in vulnerability.

In its essence, the birth chart is a guideline, a map. It gives us a clue as to how things work internally on the emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. When we take the time out to tap into the power of our charts, what we actually find is how best to tap into the power of ourselves. We can see where we need to heal and just how to do it.


A Happy Solar Return!

Since it's my Solar Return (my birthday!) and the Sun rules my chart (Leo rising!) what did my morning consist of? An impromptu photo shoot of me done by who else? Moi! Can you spot my blue steel?

Yeah, I don't know why the last photo came out sideways either. *Le sigh*

Anyway, in reflecting on what this day means to me I find myself being grateful for love. She has given me everyone and everything I have ever needed. 2012 has been an incredible year. 2013 will be even better. To all of you that have welcomed me into your heart in one form or another, I thank you. It is all and always will be LOVE.

The End of the (Work) World: How The Universe is Conspiring to Give Us the Good Life

It’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)—REM

Earlier this year I left an unfulfilling (well paid) job to follow my heart. No safety net. No new position in the works. Up and out. Gone. Goodbye. 

Why in the world would I risk security (or a shallow example of it) for the pain and anxiety associated with jumping into the unknown? Because I had to. It was though my very life depended on whether or not I gathered the courage to take the leap and answer my true calling. In short, I needed to follow my heart. 

Now here I am months later, answering my calling by way of astrology, where I work helping others answer their own. Am I happy? Yes. Has this journey been easy? No. Yet every day, the Universe offers me comfort and validation that every choice that I have made that has led me up to this point has been the right one.

In talking to some of my clients I have found that I have not been alone in wanting more out of my professional life--then yesterday I serendipitously found this article "The Siren Call of Starting Over" in Psychology Today

What I deduced from this information being presented to me is that the outer planets (the planets associated with serious transformation) are aligned to redefine what work (among other things) means for us. Work is important because this is where we focus a lot of our time and energy. Work brings us material comfort. But what if we could actually do work that brings us both material AND emotional comfort? In the old days, we had to choose. Blessed was the person that could find that needle in the haystack job that offered both options. However, change is afoot. 

Yesterday, I sent out a few tweets highlighting my thoughts on this planetary activity. Though brief, I decided to post them below because I think they speak to the heart of this shifting energy:

  • Saturn & Pluto have traded homes; Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn. Neptune is in her home sign of Pisces; Uranus in trailblazing Aries.

  • Saturn in Scorpio asks for more depth in our everyday transactions; such as work. Hence, this trend of feeling dissatisfied with the daily grind.

  • Pluto in Capricorn asks us to reprogram old systems. The work world as we know it has shifted. The past is fading. The status quo is nil.

  • Neptune in Pisces aims to connect us back to Spirit; we are all connected and it shows. When we work to improve life for others, we improve our own lives.

  • Uranus in Aries asks us to think outside the box and follow our own lead. Where in our careers can we be the innovators & do we have the courage?

  • Couple the current planetary energy with the oncoming cosmic shift of 12.21.12 and yeah, we totally have some work to do--new work, fulfilling work. Fresh starts, anyone?

Before I sign off, I want to leave you with this beautiful quote that I found by way of a couple ladies that I look up to professionally--the AstroTwins. It's a quote from philosopher and teacher, Terence McKenna. He states: 

“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”


Mercury in Sagittarius: Talk Your Sh*t

When deciding on a title for this post, I thought "what would a Sagittarius say?" Since Mercury is the planet of communication--speech, thought, writing, etc. and will be transiting the sign of The Centaur (you know, that half human, half beast thingy) from December 10th until December 31st (Updated for 2015: Nov 20th-Dec 9th), I was trying to figure out the best phrase to capture Mercury in Sagittarius. I mean, I could've been all Mercury in Capricorn like and found a nice but professional way to describe the overview of this transit--something along the lines of "Mercury in Sagittarius: Speak Your Truth" or "Mercury in Sagittarius: Honesty is the Best Policy" or some jazz like that. However, since I am a Sagittarius and I know first hand how we Sagittarians have a knack for the bawdy, brainy, and blunt I simply came up with "Mercury in Sagittarius: Talk Your Shit" (thank you, Jay-Z--he's also a Sag in case you didn't know).

Now I know that to some, such a phrase implies the opportunity to come across one too many people telling us a bunch of stuff they may or may not be able to completely back up (and vice versa). In some cases this is a true and terrible pitfall for Sag as in our hearts we can have the best of intentions and ideas but can be prone to exaggerating the details or promising things that we may have trouble delivering on later. Still, the good news about Mercury being in Sagittarius is that communication will become a little easier--more lighthearted, straightforward and even inspirational. This can be a welcome change after having Mercury in the murky waters of Scorpio for the past few weeks (covert ops, anyone? LOL. just kidding. seriously, though).

One other thing to note is that because Sagittarius is the sign most associated with expansion and exploration, the next few weeks will be a prime opportunity for thinking big and getting those thoughts out to the masses. Just make sure to practice what you preach--give your words substance; try not to steamroll anyone and--oh, don't let anyone dump on your vision. Ever.

Venus In Scorpio: Jonesin' for a Fix

"I've got you under my skin
I've got you deep in the heart of me
So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me
I've got you under my skin"
--Frank Sinatra, "I've Got You Under My Skin"

Venus has been sashaying her way through Scorpio since November 21st where she will stay until December 15th. When you pair her with the primal power of The Scorpion everything in love and money takes on a sense of insatiable urgency. We've just got to have it and have it we will (and then some). The energy this transit can bring kind of reminds me of this old Frank Sinatra song, which I love. Oh, the lyrics, the lyrics...

Mars In Capricorn: Working the Earth

"Sure they'll work over-time. Matter of fact they'll work all night if that's what it takes."
 -Kim Rogers-Gallagher on Mars in Capricorn; Astrology for the Light Side of the Brain

Since Mars, the planet of sex and ambition, is in Capricorn from now (actually November 16th)  until December 25th I thought that the quote above along with this video from Tyrese--a Capricorn--would be apropos. Ha!

Mars in Capricorn will be providing us the support we need to get the job done (whatever project that may be)--start to finish. Just make sure to leave a little room for fun.*winkity-wink*

Venus-Neptune Aspects: Boundless Love?

“I believe in people like you.” –Drake, “Fall For Your Type”

I have Venus conjoined to Neptune in my birth chart. I have also shared strong Venus-Neptune connections (usually their Neptune on my Venus) with romantic partners.  When it comes to relationships, these chart aspects have usually operated for me in this way:  Meet a guy. Over idealize/romanticize guy within first week of meeting. Discover guy has fatal flaw like a wife, aversion to commitment, a sketchy past, etc. Embark on a dramatic, Hollywood-styled quest to save guy from himself with a love like no other while holding onto fragments of said guy’s soulmate “potential.” Suddenly exit relationship with guy feeling disillusioned and hung over.
Sound familiar? It should. This very scenario came to me recently while listening to Jaime Foxx’s “Fall For Your Type.” Now, literally speaking I’ve heard this tune a million times before yet I don’t know if it’s because Pluto (focus) has been hanging out with my Mercury (thought) but lately I’ve been listening to music with a new pair of ears. The track opens with the line “Can I save you from you?”  It then goes on to tell the woes of a man that’s made a habit of falling in love with the wrong kind of women, hoping that his latest love interest won’t let him down like the others in the past.  Venus-Neptune. Oh, Lordy.  While the song is catchy and sordid enough for the radio airwaves, I couldn’t help but to think that realistically, trying to save a person from themselves is one tall, exhausting order. First of all, what makes us think that this person needs saving? Secondly, as Bill Tierney points out in his book Alive and Well with Neptune— what makes us think that we are the only ones capable of the job?

But Neptune (and in many cases Venus) is not into thinking realistically. Reality bites. Oftentimes reality is associated with limitations, restrictions, and boundaries.  In the natal and synastry chart, Venus (love) and Neptune (compassion) connections function to eliminate the lines that separate us from what we hold dear.  What could be more exhilarating and noble than being able to love and care for others without borders? What could be better than a boundless, selfless love? Not a thing, right? People view us as…well… Jesus and we see ourselves as—oh, I don’t know—maybe, Jesus

But what happens when people begin to take advantage of our kindness? What happens when the person/people we think we’re saving either A) don’t want to be saved or B) take for granted that we’ll always be around to pick up the pieces? We may find ourselves beginning to put conditions on our love or worse, becoming martyrs in love and then boom—we look up to find that our spiritual and material resources have been depleted. The buzz is gone and we’re hung over.
Still, I don’t want to take up the entire space of this post solely warning of the pitfalls associated with Venus-Neptune aspects. I think there is already enough astrological material out there that covers such issues. After all, it’s my natal Venus-Neptune aspects that have helped to keep me from becoming bitter about the lows that I have faced in life. It’s Venus-Neptune that helps me to continuously see the beauty in the world, while dreaming up and creating a new one. When applied with structure, Venus and Neptune in and between charts can help us to manifest true happiness; just as with two people who have taken the time to do the homework on each other and have built their relationship on a solid (hopefully Saturnian) foundation. The Venus-Neptune connection between them can provide the energy base for a deep, soulful love unfettered by power struggles and self-righteousness (see also: piety). 

In fact, the more experiences that I have, the more I realize that Venus-Neptune aspects function best when provided with a focus, a perimeter—a boundary. As a Sagittarius sun and Aquarius moon—a make-up of two astral energies that LOATHE limitation in any form, I am learning that boundaries are good when they come from a place of love and compassion—they even fuel it. Boundaries give us clarity; they give us the freedom to courageously move forward because we already know where we stand. 


Mercury Retrograde: Where Am I?

Saturn is finally in Scorpio, Mercury is retrograding until the end of the month, and we're in the midst of eclipse season (again)! The Universe never stops moving and nor have I. I've just been on a brief hiatus from all the astro related musings taking on some good 'ol me time. I'll be back soon with more forecasts, jokes, and whatever else I can muster up. Until then, leave the light on for me.