December 2020 Horoscopes

Courtesy of Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Courtesy of Margaret Flatley/Bustle

The year started off with a bang and it's coming to a close with one, too. That's because of a game-changing Solar Eclipse in philosophical and freedom-loving Sagittarius on Dec. 14. The goal of this eclipse is to help us break free of the need to know it all, the need to be right, and the need to indulge every selfish whim. That said, we can expect this eclipse to show us where we need to be more thoughtful of others, make peace with uncertainty, and where need to stand up in support of justice, fairness, and ethics.

We can also expect the themes of community, equality, and doing what's right to be the primary focus this month, as we're called to think globally and act locally going forward. 

Read more at Bustle.