Aries Season: Ball So Hard

Lots happening in the Cosmos this week. On March 20th the Sun moves into Aries (joining Mars) to officially kick off Aries season (March 20-April 19) Over here in the Northern Hemisphere, Aries season coincides with the vernal equinox and who better to usher in the fresh, excitable energy of spring than this fiery sign? Many of us will likely be looking forward to this bubble-pop-electric kind of time after being submerged in the hazy and emotional energy of Pisces over the last month.

With the Sun, Mars, and Uranus (joined eventually by Venus and Mercury) all synching up in the sign represented by The Warrior (i.e. Mars), spring fever will hit fast and fierce. The best way to channel this power will be to begin new projects or activities that may have been put on the back burner over the winter.  If a lack of confidence has been getting in your way, this Martian energy could help you adopt a take no prisoners attitude. Just make sure to watch out for flaring tempers. Aries energy tends to get us all a little keyed up (Hulk Smash Mode, actually). Take any pent up energy to a high impact fitness class. Your body and soul will thank you for it.

Adding to the cray cray will be the full moon in Libra on March 27th. Full Moons tend to represent endings and with this moon making tense aspects to Mars, Pluto and Uranus (this would be akin to the OPPOSITE of a peace if planets talked...but you get the idea) many of us can expect abrupt shifts in finances or partnerships (the areas ruled by Libra/Venus) that can send us into a tailspin. The key to keeping our wits and our cool will be to remember that whatever the Universe takes away, it returns to us twofold ( in a bigger and better model). Don't be afraid to embrace change, babies. Aries energy is all about embodying courage. So just get out and do it (responsibly, of course).

Taurus Season: Planting the Seeds

Happy Birthday, Taurus!

The sun has officially begun its tour of Taurus where it will remain up until around May 21st. For many of us Taurus energy represents the areas of our lives where we seek out and create physical comfort, as Taurus represents an earthy, palpable kind of mojo. Taurus wants to give you something you can feel--something you can hold on to (cue Bilal please )--like the stem of a Riedel wine glass, the curve of a hip or a shoulder, a moral code, a Basquiat, a homemade meal.

Artwork by Taurus phenom,  Marthalicia 

I think it's fitting we get a New Moon in Taurus on April 21st to kick of this season. Coming in right after Aries, Taurus sits near the beginning of the zodiac, providing a stabilization or continuity to the fresh, regenerative energy brought in from its fire sign cousin. In keeping with the theme of newness and fresh beginnings (think springtime!), the New Moon combined with Taurean energy adds a favorable element to the cosmic mix creating the perfect time for us all to plant seeds for our next initiative.

And since this is Taurus we are talking about, that initiative should be something to boost our resources (financial, physical, etc.)--something we can build steadily over time and enjoy in this material world. If we use the power of this New Moon to set our intentions into action, we should begin to see results of our labor in a relatively short period of time. The seeds that have been planted will bloom.