July 2020 Horoscope

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Change is in the air once again as the month opens with a super-charged lunar eclipse in no-nonsense Capricorn on July 5. As lunar eclipses mark endings, letting go, and completion, this eclipse pushes us to confront our fears and address our anger, as well as break free of outdated beliefs, crushing individualism, and narrow-mindedness.

With serious Saturn (Capricorn's planetary ruler) still in retrograde and dipping back into Capricorn on July 1, the theme for the month will center on dismantling the systems, contracts, and norms that leave us feeling stuck and powerless. Come July 12, when communicative Mercury begins moving forward again in intuitive Cancer, we're called to move forward, too, and leave the past behind.

On the 20th, we get a new moon in Cancer (the second one in a month), though with this new moon in a super-tense standoff with somber Saturn, it may be hard (or at least feel like it is) to get plans and initiatives off the ground. So as not to get discouraged, we're encouraged to reach down deep for some hope, inspiration, and a stick-to-it approach to see ourselves and each other through.

Come July 22, the tension in the air dissipates a bit as the Sun moves home to warm and confident Leo, putting the spotlight on joy, generosity, and integrity, as well as our ability to fully show up for ourselves, as ourselves.

Read more at Bustle.