January 2020 Horoscopes

Artwork courtesy of Austin Martin Courrege for Bustle

Artwork courtesy of Austin Martin Courrege for Bustle

Welcome to a new year and a new decade, and with Capricorn season in full swing, we're taking a look at our to-do lists and checking them twice. Plus, with go-getter Mars entering adventurous and visionary Sagittarius on Jan. 3, we're feeling motivated to go big or go home.

However, we might want to take things slow and steady this month, as the stars are packing quite a punch. That's because there are five planets in committed Capricorn now, including no-nonsense Saturn and powerful Pluto, both of which will be joining forces in a very rare and very potent meetup on Jan. 12. Though we may be excited to get the jump on the new year, this Capricorn crescendo might have us feeling heavier and more self-critical than usual. Couple this cosmic combination with a game-changing lunar eclipse in emotional Cancer on Jan. 10, and it may be hard for us to move forward without swimming through an ocean of emotions.

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