Cosmic Update: What's Goin' On?

It's been a little while since I last updated you all on key planetary transits and what they mean for us. You can get all the nitty, gritty below. Of course, this is just a general overview of what to expect. For deeper insight on how these transits specifically affect you, speak with an astrologer (That's me!).

 7/3/12-8/23/12: Mars In Libra 

You ever hear the saying "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"? Well, this great piece of wisdom certainly comes to mind when I think of the planet of aggression (and ruler of Aries) plowing his way through the sign of relationship and diplomacy. Except, since this is Libra we're talking about, Aries' opposing sign, we can almost guarantee that Mars won't be doing any plowing through here...maybe a nice jaunt? This is the time where if we want to get our way, we're going to have to use a little charm and finesse to get it. I mean, that really is the most REASONABLE way to do it, isn't it?

7/13/12-12/13/12: Uranus Retrograde in Aries 

Uranus. Ruler of Aquarius and known to be in charge of all things rebellious, unexpected, wacky, and experimental (science and technology fall under this umbrella too) has been transiting the sign of war and "me, me, me!" since 2011 causing all sorts of upsets (remember Arab Spring?) around the globe. Now as with any retrograding planet, The Universe offers us a second opportunity of sorts to master the area of life that said planet is touching. For many of us, wherever Uranus is passing through in our charts--it usually marks a time of immediate change. Harnessing Uranian energy, especially while in the sign of Aries, means that wherever in our lives we need a dose of freedom, we go there BOLDLY--without guilt or fear of judgement. By the time Uranus moves direct, the norm as we know it will be oh so passé.

 7/14/12-8/7/12: Mercury Retrograde in Leo 

 What do you get when you mix the planet of communication with the fiery starpower of Leo? BIG talk and even bigger ideas. Mercury transiting Leo is a time when it's okay to toot your own horn as The Lion brings out the showstopper in us all. However, during this retrograde period the focus is going to be less about dazzling the crowd and more about creating thoughts and words of substance--something we can stand confidently behind with pride. In my experience, Mercury retrogrades are notorious for miscommunications. Emails and snail mail get lost, electronics go "boom!", typos run rampant, and things that we thought or said with certainty lose their conviction once the retrograde period is over. This is the time to make sure whatever info we are sending out is as clear and thorough as possible. We can get back to stuntin' later.

Now until 10/5/12: Saturn Finishes Its Tour of Libra 

Lordy, Lordy. Where do I start? At the risk of echoing what's already been said by others about this transit (which has been in effect since October 2009), let me just say that for many of us having the planet of responsibility, limitation, and reality transit through the sign of partnerships has been a critical lesson in the amount of care, committment, and courage needed to maintain the relationships that mean the most to us. Through this transit many of us saw (or experienced) relationships restructured, renewed, or falter altogether. For example, my Libra sun brother is marrying his longtime girlfriend while a good friend of mine with a Capricorn rising (Libra tensely aspects Cap) saw her marriage fall apart after just one year. And those are just two examples. As Saturn rules Capricorn--and Capricorn is all about building and capitalizing on hard work done, in Libra our Saturn lesson has been discovering that REAL (a Saturn keyword) relationships require a solid FOUNDATION (another keyword!) on which to thrive. We are learining that it takes more than sexual chemistry, a few common interests, or even the fear of being alone to make a relationship WORK (keyword!). For some of us this has meant a shift in our values and in some cases, our resources. When Saturn makes its move into Scorpio in mid-October, we will get the opportunity to further strengthen the connections that have survived Saturn in Libra...or bury them entirely.