Aries Season: Ball So Hard

Lots happening in the Cosmos this week. On March 20th the Sun moves into Aries (joining Mars) to officially kick off Aries season (March 20-April 19) Over here in the Northern Hemisphere, Aries season coincides with the vernal equinox and who better to usher in the fresh, excitable energy of spring than this fiery sign? Many of us will likely be looking forward to this bubble-pop-electric kind of time after being submerged in the hazy and emotional energy of Pisces over the last month.

With the Sun, Mars, and Uranus (joined eventually by Venus and Mercury) all synching up in the sign represented by The Warrior (i.e. Mars), spring fever will hit fast and fierce. The best way to channel this power will be to begin new projects or activities that may have been put on the back burner over the winter.  If a lack of confidence has been getting in your way, this Martian energy could help you adopt a take no prisoners attitude. Just make sure to watch out for flaring tempers. Aries energy tends to get us all a little keyed up (Hulk Smash Mode, actually). Take any pent up energy to a high impact fitness class. Your body and soul will thank you for it.

Adding to the cray cray will be the full moon in Libra on March 27th. Full Moons tend to represent endings and with this moon making tense aspects to Mars, Pluto and Uranus (this would be akin to the OPPOSITE of a peace if planets talked...but you get the idea) many of us can expect abrupt shifts in finances or partnerships (the areas ruled by Libra/Venus) that can send us into a tailspin. The key to keeping our wits and our cool will be to remember that whatever the Universe takes away, it returns to us twofold ( in a bigger and better model). Don't be afraid to embrace change, babies. Aries energy is all about embodying courage. So just get out and do it (responsibly, of course).

Healing What Hurts: The Birth Chart As A Guide

As an astrologer it's a no-brainer that I am a strong believer that our birth charts offer us clues about those worn and torn parts of us that are in need of healing; the parts of us that have accrued damage over the course of our lifetime due to resentments and hurts. When I look at a tough aspect in the natal chart, like a square, opposition, and sometimes the conjunction I don't see the bearer as a hopeless victim or as someone doomed to a life of failure and unhappiness. What I see is an opportunity for change. I see the chance for a person to manifest the relationships and situations that he or she truly wants in life.

I'll further explain what I mean:

I know a man who for the purposes of anonymity, we'll call George. George was born with his Moon in Libra square his Venus in Capricorn. This means that when it comes to relationships (namely with women as represented by the feminine energy of the Moon and Venus), his Moon’s needs (emotional) conflict with what he loves or deems desirable (Venus). In this case, when it comes to relationship--the area of life where we most use our Moon and Venusian energy, George is comforted by a woman who reminds him of his mother (Moon). However, he attracts and is attracted to women (Venus) who are nothing like mom (Moon). George is totally conflicted by what he needs vs. what he wants. As many of us know, this is a common issue in love. 

Since the Moon in our charts can represent our mother or the kind of nurturing energy we received as children, George probably experienced a mom that was clingy, overly self-sacrificing, and possibly manipulative; as such is Libran energy expressed in a disempowered way. Somewhere in his emotional makeup, George must have deemed or learned to deem his mother's energy as unacceptable and therefore with his Capricorn Venus, he disassociates himself from mom loving women that are detached and self-preserving (the double edged swords of Cap!).   

Unfortunately as a result of this push-pull dynamic, George is encumbered with tumultuous, short-lived relationships because his couple-oriented Moon (Libra) is put off by the Capricorn-like coldness of his lovers. A part of him is afraid of losing his independence but can’t stand being alone. Out of fear and discomfort, George then finds himself taking on his “moonish” qualities in the unhealed dynamic--he becomes clingy and manipulative thereby turning his lovers off. What George doesn't realize is that this tough aspect between his Moon and Venus is an opportunity for him to heal his hang-ups about relationships. This aspect along with the rest of his chart shows his evolutionary mission is to heal and be healed by deep lasting bonds. George is here to learn that there is strength in vulnerability.

In its essence, the birth chart is a guideline, a map. It gives us a clue as to how things work internally on the emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. When we take the time out to tap into the power of our charts, what we actually find is how best to tap into the power of ourselves. We can see where we need to heal and just how to do it.


Libra Season: Awfully Nice

In the English language, I think the oxymoron best captures the Libran ability for peacefully blending together the seemingly contradictory.

As the sign represented by The Scales and associated with the zodiac's Seventh House of Partnerships/Marriage, Libra teaches the rest of us how to get by on the power of harmony and aesthetic. Libra knows that without these, the world would meld into one big chaotic mess. This is why Libra influenced people work so hard at keeping those scales balanced.

In the spirit of maintaining balance, here's my list of oxymorons describing how life has been for me thus far this season (and yes, feel free to create your own):

  1. Awfully nice
  2. Bitter sweet
  3. Definite maybe
  4. Cool passion
  5. Magic realism
  6. Resident alien
  7. Minor miracle
  8. Seriously funny
  9. Static flow
  10. Working vacation
  11. Peaceful conquest
  12. Random order
  13. Student teacher
  14. Upward fall
  15. Wise fool

Cosmic Update: What's Goin' On?

It's been a little while since I last updated you all on key planetary transits and what they mean for us. You can get all the nitty, gritty below. Of course, this is just a general overview of what to expect. For deeper insight on how these transits specifically affect you, speak with an astrologer (That's me!).

 7/3/12-8/23/12: Mars In Libra 

You ever hear the saying "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"? Well, this great piece of wisdom certainly comes to mind when I think of the planet of aggression (and ruler of Aries) plowing his way through the sign of relationship and diplomacy. Except, since this is Libra we're talking about, Aries' opposing sign, we can almost guarantee that Mars won't be doing any plowing through here...maybe a nice jaunt? This is the time where if we want to get our way, we're going to have to use a little charm and finesse to get it. I mean, that really is the most REASONABLE way to do it, isn't it?

7/13/12-12/13/12: Uranus Retrograde in Aries 

Uranus. Ruler of Aquarius and known to be in charge of all things rebellious, unexpected, wacky, and experimental (science and technology fall under this umbrella too) has been transiting the sign of war and "me, me, me!" since 2011 causing all sorts of upsets (remember Arab Spring?) around the globe. Now as with any retrograding planet, The Universe offers us a second opportunity of sorts to master the area of life that said planet is touching. For many of us, wherever Uranus is passing through in our charts--it usually marks a time of immediate change. Harnessing Uranian energy, especially while in the sign of Aries, means that wherever in our lives we need a dose of freedom, we go there BOLDLY--without guilt or fear of judgement. By the time Uranus moves direct, the norm as we know it will be oh so passé.

 7/14/12-8/7/12: Mercury Retrograde in Leo 

 What do you get when you mix the planet of communication with the fiery starpower of Leo? BIG talk and even bigger ideas. Mercury transiting Leo is a time when it's okay to toot your own horn as The Lion brings out the showstopper in us all. However, during this retrograde period the focus is going to be less about dazzling the crowd and more about creating thoughts and words of substance--something we can stand confidently behind with pride. In my experience, Mercury retrogrades are notorious for miscommunications. Emails and snail mail get lost, electronics go "boom!", typos run rampant, and things that we thought or said with certainty lose their conviction once the retrograde period is over. This is the time to make sure whatever info we are sending out is as clear and thorough as possible. We can get back to stuntin' later.

Now until 10/5/12: Saturn Finishes Its Tour of Libra 

Lordy, Lordy. Where do I start? At the risk of echoing what's already been said by others about this transit (which has been in effect since October 2009), let me just say that for many of us having the planet of responsibility, limitation, and reality transit through the sign of partnerships has been a critical lesson in the amount of care, committment, and courage needed to maintain the relationships that mean the most to us. Through this transit many of us saw (or experienced) relationships restructured, renewed, or falter altogether. For example, my Libra sun brother is marrying his longtime girlfriend while a good friend of mine with a Capricorn rising (Libra tensely aspects Cap) saw her marriage fall apart after just one year. And those are just two examples. As Saturn rules Capricorn--and Capricorn is all about building and capitalizing on hard work done, in Libra our Saturn lesson has been discovering that REAL (a Saturn keyword) relationships require a solid FOUNDATION (another keyword!) on which to thrive. We are learining that it takes more than sexual chemistry, a few common interests, or even the fear of being alone to make a relationship WORK (keyword!). For some of us this has meant a shift in our values and in some cases, our resources. When Saturn makes its move into Scorpio in mid-October, we will get the opportunity to further strengthen the connections that have survived Saturn in Libra...or bury them entirely.

Venus Retrograde: What's It Worth To You?

Venus, the planet representing beauty, self-esteem, money, material possessions, love, and relationships has been in retrograde in Gemini since May 15th and will continue to do so until June 27th. Planets in retrograde always bring opportunities to re-examine and revamp a way of thinking or doing something that may keep us from living life at the height of being. In other words, it’s probably broke and we need to fix it. 

Okay, so what is “it”? That “It” will be anything having to do with Venus-ruled areas as mentioned above. As Venus is the natural ruler of Libra and Taurus (the two signs most concerned with one-on-one relationships and material wealth), over the next few weeks the question of the moment for many of us will be “what’s it worth?” Has a key relationship (romantic or not) turned out to be more than we bargained for? Is there a relationship in our lives worth saving? What about our relationship with ourselves? Do we think we’re really good enough? (I mean, really, really?) And what about our relationship to our bank accounts? Does it match the lifestyle we want to lead? If not, can it? With Venus currently in Gemini, the sign of communication, our responsibility is to ensure that we are having the right conversations with ourselves and those in our network to get the answers to these questions; then, in typical Geminian fashion, applying what we have learned.

In my own life, I’ve already been feeling the effects of this retrograde by being forced (I’ve been ignoring the proverbial knock at the door for quite some time now) to majorly restructure my spending habits (starting with my high-ass monthly cell phone bill) and to rethink my relationship to money. In addition, with Venus currently transiting my 10th house of career and public image, part of my concern around finances has to do with whether or not I warrant opportunities that will sufficiently pay me for not only my talents (am I good enough?) but also for doing the (creative) things that make me happy (do I deserve it?). 

In the coming weeks, the universe will be providing us all with the time needed to catch up on our homework. I have an idea about what my lesson is, what's yours?